Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Here are some pictures from our trip to Peru. On Saturdays, we went to Villa Maria. We did worship, dramas, and teachings there. It was my favorite place we went. We also went to Santa Rosa in Puente Piedra to do ministry with the kids and adults. They are so beautiful. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we took a bus for 2 hours to Canete. We did ministry in Playa Hermosa and San Vicente with the pastor there, Jaime Inga. San Vicente is Robin's favorite place. I will post more pictures later.

Aqui estan fotos de nuestro viaje a Peru. En sabados, fuimos a Villa Maria. Estabamos hecho musica, mimos, y estudios alla. Estaba mi lugar favorito que fuimos. Tambien, fuimos a Santa Rosa en Puente Piedra para ministrar con los ninos y adultos. Ellos son muy bonitos. En martes y miercoles, sacamos un autobus por 2 horas a Canete. Ministramos en Playa Hermosa y San Vicente con el pastor que vive alla, Jaime Inga. San Vicente es el lugar favorito de Robin. Ensenare mas fotos despues.

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