Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 4 -Monday

Monday was our free day. We went to 2 museums in the morning. Martes estaba nuestro dia libre. Ibamos a 2 museos en la manana. A class studying english stopped us to ask questions in english. Robin even sang them the national anthem. Una clase estudiando ingles, nos paran para hacernos unas preguntas en ingles. Robin los canto una cancion de nuestro paiz. Then, we had anticuchos for lunch (that's beef heart on a stick). That night, I went to visit some friends. Luego, tomamos anticucho por almuerzo. Esa noche, iba a visitar unas amigas.

Everyone else stayed at the church to make more chocotejas. I'm sure that's Americo giving Cole a hard time. Much fun. Los otros se quedaron a la iglesia para hacer mas chocotejas. Estoy seguro de que Americo estaba molestando a Cole. Mucho divertido.

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