Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lots of fun making mistakes...

Robin's take on things...

...We make a lot of mistakes right now and feel like zoo animals as all the people stare at the cute white family rushing down the road. Everybody tries to take advantage of you with prices because you are white and getting a taxi at a decent price is nearly impossible for a gringo who can hardly speak the language...
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Yes we make mistakes. The other day I made a beautiful batch of aguadita, a peruvian soup. But, I neglected to wash the peas first. I thought they looked clean enough, they were in a nice little prepackaged bag... The rest of my cooking time I was stirring and picking out small black unidentified objects. While I was eating my soup at the table, I found an ant in there. (the other black things were not ants, I don't know what it was...) Added protein, I suppose. So, I learned my lesson: always wash the food before you cook it.


Anonymous said...

that is AWESOME!
maybe that was the peruvian version of black-eyed peas?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found an apt. !!! I saw Kathy and Dan W. today and they said they can't wait to go back to Peru. I think you guys were a blessing to them too:)
I miss you guys but am glad your doing well and that the kids are excited about all their new experiences. Aren't kids great like that? We will pray for you every time we see your photo on our "nevera"! Quidense! -Maggie

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I just posted and I wrote "quidense" which means "take care" but I misspelled it . It should have read "cuidense" I can't believe I'm teaching you my bad Spanish. Please forgive. -Maggie

Cole said...

Glad your settled in and eating the bugs already. I thougt would take a couple months until you were cool with that. Love you guys. Cole

Anonymous said...

Well, peruvians bugs would like to be eaten by outsiders besides their own people. Just make sure you always ask for the blessing before every meal.
Mike E.