Sunday, December 24, 2006

Alcance Outreach

There were a lot of people wanting toys and clothes for their children for Christmas. It was a little chaotic.
Dominick and I decided to go play some worship in spanish. (Actually it was Dawn's idea!) Chris was playing drum somewhere behind the tree there, too.
Hi Greg!
After a little while, the owners of the store asked us to go around to the back, we were creating too much of a crowd. But, we just set up in the back and continued what we were doing.

Marcelo spoke to the people at the end a little bit in spanish (I don't really know what he said). This guy came and wanted to pray with him.

The best part was hearing about Patty's talk with one of the guys there. Apparently, he knew the Lord some time ago, but had strayed away. He had recently found his wife with his brother together and wanted to kill them. He had actually already tried unsucessfully, and was soon going to try again. He felt that he could not be forgiven for what he was trying to do. He broke down talking to Patty. Robin said he was bawling. She talked to him a lot and in the end, he prayed with her to receive Christ.

Praise the Lord! It was all worth it just to reach that guy.

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