Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Resurrection Beach service

This past Sunday we had a special Resurrection service of the beach. We had a great time celebrating the ressurection of Jesus and the new life he has given us. OHHH PRAISE HIM!!
To get up so early in the morning Nala had to have her morning coffee. She is just like daddy.

The girls always fight over who gets to hold Nala.

The kids were content playing in the sand in their church clothes.

About 35-40 people came out to enjoy the beach and the majesty of the Lord's creation.

Tracy, Ricardo and David blessed us with some sweet worship.

Three people got baptized in the ocean.

Then we enjoyed a time of breaking the bread as a family. We ate sandwiches and shared some with others on the beach.

Then we went back to the church for our normal Sunday service followed by some nice fellowship and some more breaking of bread together. Why is it when we celebrate that we eat so much food?


Michael E. said...

Because that way as our hearts are full of joy for the celebration, our stomachs would want to feel the same excitement by digesting food, Mucho, mucho food!!!!!

Jimmy Ryan said...

Praise the Lord for such a wonderful day! Looks like you guys had a blast!