Monday, March 30, 2009

The Hunt Continues

Well we had a meeting, we made an offer and it was denied. We prayed that the Lord would close the door if it was not from Him and He did, but that is not always easy. I was looking forward to being done with looking for a house. It is very difficult to look, because that means leaving Tracy and the kids alone for several days and staying in hotels or with other people. It means walking the streets day and night looking and praying. It means more time in Lima and more time before we get to move to Ica and minister more directly with the flock there. I realize that through it all Christ will be glorified and that His provision is always better than ours. Continue to pray for us, I stuggle greatly with patience.


Anonymous said...

How are you ?
it is marco laura from pisco i saw the other day we went to ica we wanted to stop you but you walked to fast for us.Anyway this is my email ,i would like to talk to you God bless


Anonymous said...

hi! robin how are things going? i want to share these verses(genesis 28:15) (salmos 121:3-4)God takes care all of you guys!! he promised you God bless you so much.!!