Monday, April 30, 2007
Psalm 33:13-15
This verse reminds me that the Lord sees all the men in all the world. It's even more than that. He doesn't just "see" all the men, but He "looks" on them. That seems like seeing with intent. That seems like a continuous sort of thing. And it's definitely inclusive of all the nations. Well, all the inhabitants of the earth, anyways. I guess if you have a P.O. box somewhere other than earth, then it doesn't include you. He is considering you and me. And the guy out in the middle of the jungle in Brazil, or the one in the bush in South Africa. It's also comforting to know that He fashioned their hearts individually. Their hearts have His fingerprints on them. So, there must be those who are seeking Him. Our calling to the mission field is only to be used as vessels. He is going to do the work. I pray that He leads us to the ripened harvest.
1 week in Mexico
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tidbits of wisdom
Here's some thoughts that I want to share with you...
We don't go out to the mission field because there are a lot of lost people. No, it's because God is worthy to be known, worhsipped and obeyed.
We define mercy as what's most convenient to us. God defines mercy as what can love the most people. Like Joseph. He was put in jail unjustly. He cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him His mercy. And left him in prison.
We learn about animistic thinking. That is the view that God is a spirit to be appeased. This is not how God is. Here's a way it can slip into our thinking... you make the commitment to do devotions every single day. Then one day, you miss, you just don't feel like doing it. That day, on the way to work you are in a car accident. Then you think to yourself that if you had only done the devotion, you would not be in the accident. This is animistic thinking. It's the view that you are attempting to manipulate the spirit world to get what you want. This is prevalent in many foreign countries, and even in our own, in a less obvious way. No. God is a sovereign God.
Some old wives tales... In Mexico, if you watch a dog poop, you'll get pink eye. In China, if you get a cold, the more people you give it to, the faster you get better because it's leaving your body. Hahahahaha.
The most important work is the work that He is doing in our lives. The more work that God does in you, it ups the amperage in your life, and the more people will be able to see that light and to see it clearly. (Sort of like a light bulb, we are, afterall, suppose to be the light.)
A missionary pastor here in Mexico was our teacher for one of the days. His name is Ron Brink. In November, he was attacked by his neighbor. He snuck up behind him here at the school and hit him in the head. He was knocked unconcious and spent several days in the hospital. When someone asked him if he was going to leave Mexico, he said, "I'm not going to let this guy decide what we do with our lives just because he hits me over the head. I'm going to do what God wants."
By the way, we went to church last night, the same church from Sunday. Before we left, Kilaine came and told me that she didn't want to go with me to the children's class that time. She said she wanted to go alone!!! Answer to prayer.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
So, here we are in the training school. It's been pretty busy with classes all day. Sunday we went to the Mexican church. Kilaine had a really hard time. She didn't want to be with the kids at all. She sat with me the whole time. At the end, I did get her to say gracias to the teacher for getting a sucker. Please pray with me for her to have an easier time warming up to people. I am praying that next Sunday, she will participate in the children's class.
Our spanish is doing really great. Sometimes I have major mental blocks. You would think I didn't know a single word. Then other times it just flows. It is really good. We are learning a lot.
Some cute Kilaine sayings...
when it was really cold in Indiana, we were walking in the wind and she said it was so cold that it made her eyeballs freeze.
Then, when I told her about David and how he was a missionary in Peru like we were going to be, she got really excited that her skin was going to turn brown too! Hahahahaha!
On the plane, she wanted me to take a picture of her hand by the window so it looked like she was touching the clouds.
So cute!!!
I'm having trouble getting pics on the blog. Hopefully I'll be able to get some up later.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Kathryn, Cole's mom, picked us up from the airport and let us stay the night at her house. We had some really awesome pie from Julian at "Mom's."
Thursday, April 19, 2007
We're home!! (for a few days anyway)
We met up with David Caplivski at church. He came up to visit with us. He just came back from Peru a few weeks ago. He was serving there with the church for the last 2 years. It has been great to see him again. He is staying with us (at Greg and Ann Marie's house --thank you) until tomorrow morning. He's going to drive us to the airport. We have to be there at 4 am. We are flying to Mexico for Shepherd's Staff's missions training school. We will be there for 3 weeks. I don't know if we'll have internet access or not, so you may not see any new postings for a while. But, we'll be back.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Almost the end...
Last night, we went to Calvary Murfreesboro. I got to help out a little bit with the worship. And of course, I got to do a spanish song, too.
Today we visited with Brent and Danielle Campe. They had moved up here from Boynton a year ago. It was good seeing them. And, today is Liam's birthday! Since we already did cake, we stuck some candles in a cookie and sang to him. It was really cute.
On Sunday we will be sharing at Calvary Chapel Brentwood, and then later on Sunday, we will start heading home to South Florida for a few days. Next Friday, we fly to Mexico for an intensive missionary training school in Mexico. Shepherd's Staff does the training school. It will be 3 weeks long. More on that later.
Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, emails, and comments on the blog. It is good to know that people are thinking of us. We are getting really excited about going to Peru. It's going to come quickly.