Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, I did my last Wednesday service leading the worship last week. It was kind of a bummer because I was pretty sick and almost couldn't sing. But, the Lord strengthened my voice to get through 4 songs for him! Thanks everybody, you've been a great team!

On Saturday, we had a big yard sale and sold just about everything left that we are not taking with us to Peru. It's kind of crazy selling your acumilated life away for a quarter... but it's all good. So, our house is almost completely empty. No furniture, no dishes, just some random things laying around that need to be delt with. I never realized how much stuff we had. Not anymore! Yay!

So, since our house isn't the easiest place to live with 2 kids and nothing to do, we moved out today. We are staying, for the next 2 weeks, with our friends from church, Greg and Ann Marie Russell. Then, March 3rd, we are heading out on the road to begin our support raising journey. We are excited to see how the Lord is going to work everything out.

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