Monday, January 01, 2007


Please pray for my daughter, Kilaine. She is 5 years old, and has been very sick. She hasn't eaten more than a few bites in the last 2 days, and throws up almost every hour, even water. She has had a low grade fever off and on, and is getting very drained. If she's still throwing up in the morning, we will probably take her to the doctor. (I did already speak to a nurse about her on the phone.) Pray that she doesn't become dehydrated, then she'll have to go to the hospital. And pray that she will be feeling better tomorrow. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hola Tracy, soy Jimmy. Lei tu blog esta maƱana. Estare orando por tu hija para que este mejor... Saludos a Robin y a tu otro hijo.. Estoy orando por ustedes chicos... blessings.


Anonymous said...


How is Kilaine doing? I´m praying. I guess God is preparing you for the mission field.
