Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cindy Arnhold

Last Sunday night, we got to sit with a missionary from Albania, named Cindy Arnhold. She is involved in a ministry encouraging women missionaries, especially the mom ones. It just so happened that she was in town visiting a friend of hers down the street from where we live. It was a great blessing to talk with her over coffee and cookies. She gave us some great wisdom that I will share with you.

Never become more devoted to a cause than to the causer of all things.

I love that, because it's so easy to find ourselves in a position where any certain ministry we are involved in becomes priority to us. It can take precedence over other things that are more important.

Don't take on more than you can pray about.

Another good one. I definitely find myself at times too busy, too involved, "doing" too many things. There are always so many needs in the ministry and we can usually fill more than one of them, so we do. Then we find ourselves stressed out trying to keep up with everything, not fully able to give any one ministry the attention it deserves. Ultimately, our ministry should be people.

You can't add unless you subtract.

More goodness. Yes, we "add" all the time, and sometimes we don't realize what we are subtracting: time with our spouses, children, or most importantly, our time with the Lord. Those things must be protected.

It is always refreshing to talk to someone who has already been serving on the field, and the Lord has blessed us with a lot of these opportunities.

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