Saturday, May 13, 2006

I love being a part of what goes on in the mission field. It's crucial that we support missionaries through prayer. We must never forget about the believers around the world and the work that needs to be done. There is a great need for prayers, for senders, and for goers. (Is that really a word?) Pray about what country the Lord would have for you. Begin praying for that country. Find a missionary there and be faithful to stand in the gap for them. My heart is for Peru. Here are some blogs of what is going on in Peru. Es bueno haciendo uno su parte con misiones. Es muy importante que oramos por misioneros. Nunca debemos olvidar sobre los que creen alrededor el mundo y el trabajo que necesita esta terminando. Hay un gran necesita por algunos orar, por algunos enviar, por algunos ir. Ora sobre cual pais El Senor teneria por ti. Comienza a orar por eso pais. Busca un misionero alla y sea fiel ser partidario de ellos y mantener a ellos con oracion. Mi corazon es para Peru. Aqui son unos blogs de que yendo en Peru.

(missionary Brian VanderKodde's church in Lima)
(Peruvian Jaime Inga's church in Canete)
(missionary David Caplivski, assisting Brian)

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