Friday, May 12, 2006

Here we are practicing for the last worship night. It's always awesome playing with the youth team. (Chris, Cassy, Dominick, Tracy, Matt pictured here.) Aqui estamos practicando para la ultima noche de las alabanzas. Siempre es maravilloso tocando con el equipo de la musica de los jovenes. (Chris, Cassy, Dominick, Tracy, Matt en la foto.)

What is the purpose of worship? It's definitely not just for playing music. It's our opportunity to bless God in a passionate way alltogether in unison. It's a time that we can stop what we're doing and focus on the praiseworthiness of God, on how much He's forgiven us, on how close He is, on how much we desire to follow Him. It's a time of healing, of remembering His word, of coming back into a relationship faith with
Him. It's so much more than songs. We worship through our lives, our prayer time, our time in the word. Worship is choosing Jesus above all else. ?Con que fin tocando las alabanzas a Dios? No es para tocando la musica. Es nuestra oportunidad bendecir a Dios juntos. Es un tiempo que podemos parar todos y pensamos de la bondad de Dios, en cuanto nos ha perdonado, como El es muy cerca, en cuanto deseamos seguirlo. Es un tiempo de curando, de acordandonos de su Palabra, de viniendo a El. Es mucho mas que canciones. Alabanzamos con nuestras vidas, nuestro tiempo de orando, y nuestro tiempo en la Palabra. Alabanza es haciendo Jesus mas importante que todos en nuestras vidas.

"Praise the Lord! I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, In the assembly of the upright and in the congregation" -Psalm 111:1
"!Aleluya! !Alabado sea el Senor! Alabare al Senor con todo el corazon en la asamblea, en compania de los rectos." -Salmos 111:1

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