Friday, January 02, 2009

2008, A good year in Ica

Last night we had our weekly service in Ica and in Los Pollitos. In the evening service I ask each person to share something from the past year that they were thankful for, something the Lord had done for them. Each one begin to share and one after the other shared how the Lord had used each of us that come from Lima each week to touch their lives. Three of them shared that they had really encountered the Lord last year for the first time in their lives. Before each of them had been "playing church" and now they said they have a new understanding of the Word and Christ purpose for their lives. Praise Him!! We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, we have stuck to the teaching of God's Word, sound doctrine and the breaking of bread together. How blessed we are to be used by our Lord to make a lasting impact in these lives. As I look back of 2008, I stand amazed at God's faithfulness in our lives. Last January is when I started teaching the group, it was my first time to teach in Spanish. Wow, since that time I have grown greatly in what it means to Pastor a flock and I have also grown in my ability to communicate in Spanish. In January of 2008 I didn't know that this is what the Lord was preparing us for and now in January of 2009 we begin our preparations to move there and sheperd the flock on a fulltime bases. Oh what does this new year have in store? Only the Lord knows, but we wait with anticipation and hope of the marvelous things that Christ will do in us and through us. How good is our Lord and how worthy to be praised!!!

1 comment:

Michael E. said...

Happy for all of you and what the Lord had accomplished in both of you through out 2008. Just place yourself in His holy hand, let Him guide you and faithfully keep serving Him and you will see what great things He can do in you to bless others for His glory.